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Medical > MedicalAIO > AIO Silence TP-22P

AIO Silence TP-22P

AIO Silence TP-22P
21.5"/24" Lüfterloser Medical AIO. Intel Core 12. Generation; 16 GB DDR5 RAM, 256 GB SSD; Front: IP65, Rückseite IP54; Antibakterielles-Gehäuse; nur ca. 7 kg; IEC60601-1 / IEC60601-1-2 Norm
Intel Core i5-1235U, 21,5” FHD MVA Diagnostic Panel, Basis-Garantie
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Lieferzeit: ca. i.d.R. 3-5 Werktage

Prozessor / Core Logic
Intel® i5-1235U (Alder Lake / 12th Gen.)

Video Controller
Intel® Iris Xe Graphics

RAM/ Festplatte
16 GB DDR5, 256 GB SSD

4x USB3.2 gen II; 1 x Line-out & 1x Microphone-in (3.5mm phone jack); 1x Display Port 1.4a; 1x HDMI 2.0, 1 x HDMI (video-in); 1x RS232/RS422/RS485; 1x RS-232; 2x LAN

2x RJ45 (1x 1.0 Gbps, 1x 2.5 Gbps), Wifi 6 + Bluetooth

Abmessungen / Gewicht
541 x 353 x 56 mm | ca. 7 kg

Besonderheit / Sicherheit
lP-Cap Multi-Touch, Easy to clean, Versatile - 7 kg light weight, Hospital White Plastic Housing w/ Anti-bacteria, Fanless Design, IP54 Rear | CE: EN 60601-1-2:2015(V4.0), EN 60601-1:2006 + A11: 2011 + A1: 2013 + A12: 2014 Compliance, VCCI: 2016-11, Class B (PSU/Battery with PSE), RoHS, REACH, FCC: Part 18 Class B / UL: ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2012 (V3.1) Only By Project, cUL: CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60601-1:2014 (V3.1) Only By Project / ISO 14971/ IEC62133

Windows 10 / 11 Pro